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After many years of being a big fan of David Huang's work, and David enjoying my Chasing hammers, we have decided to team up to make him a signature raising hammer!


With David being a minimalist, he has raised almost all of his work with 2 hammers, and only really used 1 face of each hammer. The Huang Raising hammer blends David's favorite faces of his 2 favorite hammers into one.


Each head is hand forged with a slight cant to the nicely rounded and softened faces. This angle follows the natural arc of the hammer swing, which creates a square contact with the work surface.


The osage orange handles provide strength and durability, with a tiny bit of spring to give life to the hammer swing, while easing the wear and tear on your body. The smooth and ergonomic shaping offers exquisite control and comfort.


It is available in 3 weights: 275g, 375g, and 475g


The 375g being the one that you will find in his hands most often, but the minimalist has expanded his hammer rack, and is very excited about the versatility of the 3 sizes.


Faces sizing by weight:

275g: 1" x 1/2" and 7/8" x 1/8"

375g: 1-1/4" x 5/8" and 1" x 3/16"

475g: 1-1/4" x 3/4" and 1" x 1/4"


"I find these hammers are not only beautiful in form, but provide superb control and function.  I think you will too!"   David Huang


Hammers could take up to 2 weeks to ship, usually sooner. If you are in a hurry, please contact Saign directly to check availability


Huang Raising Hammer

  • At the young age of eleven I decided I wanted to be an artist when I grew up.  For some reason I never seriously wavered from that path and devoted much of my time to learning and improving my skills.  In high school I discovered metalsmithing and was immediately enamored with the material and processes involved.  I had always had this sense in my head that it took big, powerful industrial tools to shape metal.  When I discovered that with just the power of my arm and a hair thin saw blade I could cut shapes with great precision I was hooked.  Shortly thereafter I became enthralled with how the humble hammer could form metal into almost any shape desired.

    After an extended 12 year college “career” I finally earned my BFA with an emphasis in metalsmithing from Grand Valley State University.  It is at Grand Valley that I discovered the raising process I use to form my vessels from flat sheet, still using that humble hammer and the power of my arm.

    In 2003 I finally achieved that goal of my young eleven year old self and was able to sustain full-time career as an artist.  It was not an easy dream to achieve, but for me it was worth seeking.  I now spend my days at my Michigan home/studio working to bring objects of beauty, light, and inspiration into the world.


    Working full-time as a self-employed artist, David is represented by galleries around the US. His work has been featured in Metalsmith Magazine, American Craft, and numerous other books and publications.


    You can find out more about David and his work at:



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